New South Wales
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A regional scale structural and stratigraphic 3D model has been developed for the western Tamworth Belt within the New England Orogen in northeastern New South Wales. The western Tamworth Belt is bound by the crustal scale Hunter-Mooki and Peel-Manning Fault systems, which together form a wedge of deformed Devonian to Permian rocks. The model consists of broad lithological volumes representing Devonian, Devonian-Carboniferous, Carboniferous and Permian rocks that are folded and offset by numerous second and third order fault systems with minor intrusion by Permian granitoids. The model is based on a series of 2 dimensional cross sections developed based on the integration of surface mapping, 16 reflection seismic profiles as well as magnetic and gravity data. Interpretation confidence volumes are provided with the model to visually represent constraint location and constraint quality. The results of the modelling provide a basis for understanding the regional structural architecture and controls on mineral systems. The model illustrates the contrast in deformation style from the northern Tamworth Belt, relative to the southeast of the belt that is more structurally complex in terms of folding and faulting. The distribution of known hydrothermal mineral systems in the Tamworth Belt appear closely linked to the fault-architecture, with most occurring around steep west-dipping fault zones that intersect or splay from the Hunter-Mooki Fault at depth. Faults of this style are more common in the southeastern Tamworth Belt than they are to the north.
This is the full NSW drilling dataset available from Geoscientific Data Warehouse. The drillhole data has been compiled over time from various sources including mineral exploration reports and departmental records.It provides drill collar information for mineral drillholes and associated data including classification of drilling purpose, drill type, licencee/driller information, date the hole was drilled and depth of hole drilled, azimuth/dip and references. This data is part of the New South Wales Geoscientific Data Warehouse (NSW GDW) series.
This spatial dataset is a derivative product of the New South Wales Mineral Occurence Database (also known as New South Wales MetIndEx). It records over 31,000 known mineral occurrences throughout NSW. These records have been compiled from resource and production data compiled from both historic and current mining operations records held by the Geological Survey of NSW. Data records start from a state-wide Metallogenic Mapping program developed by the Survey in the late 1960s and are continuously improved via mandatory reporting. The alternative name MetIndEx refers to the METallics, INDustrial minerals and Exploration discoveries database of economic mineral deposits and occurrences in New South Wales. The data has been migrated over various databases from Microsoft Access to Oracle and SQL Server. The location data has also had multiple datum changes since the original database was compiled. The data is being continuously improved and refined by the custodians on an irregular basis. This data is part of the New South Wales Geoscientific Data Warehouse (NSW GDW) series.